Monday 12 March 2012




  • RGB (Red, Blue, Green) is the primary mode for graphics and has a smaller file size than CMYK suitable for Web images.
  • CMYK (Cyan, Magenta,Yellow and Black)are pigmented colours that printers use which is why all RGB muct be converted to this mode before printing.
  • Greyscale changes the image into different shades of grey/black/white (approx 256). NOTE: when you convert an image to this mode you CANNOT go back.
  • Duotone- two colours
  • Bitmap- Black and White 

You can change or scan in different resolutions depending on the image's end use:
  • 300dpi     - Commercial Printing
  • 150-200dpi - Digital/ Lazer inkjet printers
  • 72-96dpi   - Internet/ Powerpoint

  1. Place image, object or fabric in scanner.
  2. Click on either 'Print/Fax' in 'System Preferences' or the application, 'Image Capture'.
  3. Choose the Scan Option> Open Scanner 
  4. Adjust resolution/ file type and file for saving
  5. Scan
  6. Proceed to edit image
  7. Go to file and save for web and devices (to place on webpage/blog)




Image source:
Milgrim, J. 2007. 'Make Up by Marie Claire'. Murdoch Books, Sydney, Australia.  

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